It’s been a bit since I wrote a blog post. We’ve been focusing on YouTube and getting on with building stuff, but yes… I should also write more. Well, let me get to the topic at hand.
After the last kerfuffle with with the Drivers License Center, I got my voter registration card and that was pretty painless. I returned to the office in December with all the paperwork they had requested of me… until they asked me for my medical card. In Ohio, CDL drivers that travel out-of-state must get a physical and carry the card given as proof that they are medically sound to drive. If you don’t travel out-of-state with your commercial vehicle, you don’t need one. Not so in Tennessee.
They told me that there are places you can walk in as an outpatient and get your exam done, but they couldn’t tell me any of them because they were not allowed to recommend any. I don’t know the area so I didn’t even begin to know where to start. They mentioned a chiropractor could do it. I gathered my paperwork and went out to the parking lot to research places that could do exams in the area. None of the chiropractors could see me. Exasperated, I drove home; defeated once again by bureaucracy.
I stepped away from it, enjoyed Christmas with my kids, and waited for the weather to clear up some. I finally found out that there are walk-in clinics in the area that can do CDL medical exams and visited one. No problem.
I returned once more to the keymaster of driving legally, with all paperwork once again. By this time, I’m sure they were tired of me. I, again, submitted to their scrutiny and finally, I was able to secure my Tennessee Drivers License.
James went up in March and got his license the first try. 😛